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The Alan Sanders Show

Aug 25, 2023

Today’s show opens with a comment from Donald Trump after being arrested, his mugshot taken and posting a cash bond for release. It’s a sad day for our country and the rest of the world is both laughing at us and shaking their heads. Yet it seems, in the wake of the mugshot being released, the desired effect by these petulant and lawless collaborators seems to be exactly the opposite.

To understand how nefarious these events are, we need to look back at recent history in Georgia – first by just a few months, then a few years. In May of 2023, while is went mostly unnoticed, a major victory was had in a Georgia Court of Appeals. While two initial lawsuits were struck down for lack of standing, thanks to an unrelated ruling by the GA Supreme Court saying an individual can have standing on public matters, the case of Favorito v. Wan and Jeffords v. Fulton County can now move forward.

There is another sticking point. The judge that oversaw the big Fani Willis indictments out the Fulton County Grand jury is the judge who is supposed to hear the case. He has not. Judge McBurney has even received a motion to recuse because of his obvious bias and he has been sitting on it in an obvious move to stonewall the case. But, at some point, a forensic audit of the ballots in Fulton County will have to come to light.

I then remind the audience about an investigation in December of 2020 where over 1,700 Georgians were singled out for illegally casting two ballots, but nothing was ever done. In fact, their votes were never canceled out, according to state election officials.

Now let’s look at the reason Fani Willis started her investigation. Remember the phone call Trump had with GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where he supposedly demanded they find 11,800 votes? How many remember that being a lie? Raffensperger and his aide, Jordan Fuchs, saying that’s what Trump said, but didn’t have a recording?

How many remember that very recording being found two months later in the recycle bin of a laptop? Turns out, all news entities that reported the demand to find votes had to print a retraction. But it was small and most of you might not even have known they ever did. You know who else acts like she didn’t know it was a lie? Fani Willis. Her entire case is built upon the fabricated story.

What’s worse, Raffesperger had a meeting two weeks before the call with Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of True the Vote. They both agreed there were at least 67,000 people who voted who were ineligible to cast a ballot. He knew that before the Trump call and then said Trump was fooling himself into thinking there was enough fraud to overcome the 11,799 margin by which Biden won the state. It’s disgusting and infuriating!

Investigative reporter Natalie Winters found out Fani Willis’s campaign director became Joe Biden’s coordinated campaign director for Georgia in 2020 and he had vowed to “take down Trump” as far back as 2017. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) issued a letter to Fani Willis regarding the indicment, indicating Congress was going to be investigating it. Even Tulsi Gabbard commented how Democrats are not looking out for the interests of our country or our democracy.

Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen suddenly changed his tune and thinks Joe and Hunter Biden need to be investigated. What’s going on there? The Leftist rag dedicated to being one of the loudest propagandists of the Left is printing stories about the need for a focused look at the alleged illegal activity?

At the same time, the FDA is trying to convince us there is no need for clinical trial for any annual Covid boosters, regardless of how they have been altered. They liken it to the annual flu shot. However, Dr. Vinay Prasad points out that there must be clinical trials and even the annual flu vaccine goes through randomized control testing.

And, on the subject of the vaxx, the CDC admits that the variant BA.2.86, dubbed “Pirola”, may be causing increased infection among those who have received the Covid vaccine. Of course, this audience has know about the vaccine’s negative efficacy for a long time. To add to this, in Japan, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University went off on the government of Japan for hiding the negative effects and lying to the people. His observations track with everything I’ve been telling you for months and months.

Finally, a Lahaina resident tells Joe Biden to get lost, though she uses more colorful language. The Democrats may be losing the blue state of Hawaii if she represents the current views of the rest of the citizenry at the failure of government to do it’s job and protect the people. They may have to get busy stuffing more ballots and rigging more elections if they start to lose their base like this.

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