Mar 31, 2022
In today’s episode, I hit two subjects. The first is a reminder of how the legacy/mainstream media are the ones who interfered with the 2020 presidential election. With Hunter Biden’s laptop becoming a bigger and bigger liability for the White House, I remind you, via a montage, of how the media did all they could...
Mar 30, 2022
In today’s episode, I look at the polling data for President Biden and it is not looking good at all. Considering I am quoting polling from NBC, it’s even worse for the president and for Democrats. Not since 2014 have Republicans held a lead over Democrats going into the mid-terms. What’s worse,...
Mar 29, 2022
In today’s episode, we have to come to terms with the fact President Biden is not fit to be the Commander-in-Chief. After being caught on three huge foreign policy gaffes over the last few days, which we discussed in detail yesterday, Biden spent a Monday presser saying none of those gaffes ever happened. He is...
Mar 28, 2022
In today’s episode, I point to the fact President Joe Biden has been in constant walk-back mode. In all actuality, his continued foreign policy gaffes now requires a dedicated team to deal with the clean up on aisle 6. And this is after the White House realized they could not trust VP Kamala Harris any longer. We...
Mar 25, 2022
In today’s episode, I open by unpacking some of the comments President Joe Biden made in Brussels. It is distressing to see how irritated and angry he gets at the press when they reference his prior positions and he immediately denies it. He spends more time re-writing his own words and history than he does at finding...